In the beautiful Gulf of Mondello, from the 31st May to the 6th June,
Albaria held the 14th edition of the Windsurf World Festival. In this sunny,
summertime setting, top sporting events went on for most of the day, but that was not all;
there was loads of music and entertainment too which attracted massive crowds during
Festival week (500,000 recorded).
So many things went to make this a great week: a huge stage set up on the beach and of
course the hard work and enthusiasm of the whole Albaria team - Vincenzo
Baglione and Vinci Pottino, the artistic director Mauriziotto, Radio
Dimensione Suono (the Festivals official radio for 14 years), all the staff working
on the event - and the crowds loved it!!! From the world of Italian and international
music, rising stars and well-known faces put in an appearance hoping to come back to
Mondello again soon.
One of the best things weve ever done! said Raffaella Di Stefano with
tears in her eyes as she boarded the plane before leaving Palermo.
Raffaella Di Stefano, the voice of
Madreblu, the pop-duo sensation of the year who were guests at this
years Festival. Youre really lucky to live here with this fabulous sea!
Id love to stay longer. And you guys are so brilliant...and Im not just saying
that - its because we had such a great time! Just one example of the affection
felt towards classic Sicilian warmth and hospitality.
Madreblus performance was in fact
one of the highlights; they played their latest hit, Reiko, and other songs
from their album, Necessita. Back from their success at Sanremo, were
Daniele Groff, Filippa Giordano, Elena Cataneo and a surly-looking Marina Rei who
nonetheless gave a great show; a live mini-concert which went down a storm.
Every evening took off with a live performance followed by an interval with the
super-blonde Palmolive dancers. The only relief for the hot, summer nights
came from the fresh north-westerly wind, which managed to cool off the young and
not-so-young revellers! Anyone in search of peace and quiet by the sea was definitely
disappointed! Mega-energy and fun every step of the way presented by Fanny, from
Music Television and Mauriziotto. The energy really exploded with the arrival
of Paolo Belli, all voice and charisma, who crept on from the back of the stage and made
sure he left his mark on the Festival! Even without his band, who were playing another
important concert, the ex-ladro di biciclette wasnt put off. In just one
day he managed to recruit a local band that provided great accompaniment. So, the
Trovati per caso as Belli called them, brought all his greatest hits to life,
like A me mi piace, Dottor Jazz and Mister Funk and his latest
single, Angelo Angelino. Paolo Belli, a.k.a. stage animal, made
the evening a hit! Ive got a fabulous relationship with Sicily, he said,
I love this place and the people who live here cos youre all so
The reassuring appearance of Nello
Daniele, the shy brother of the more famous Pino, provided a taste of Naples. A great
success with the public, and especially with his young fans, was Davide Troppo
Bella De Marinis who performed on the Albaria stage for 2 days. The same
story for Stefano Zarfati with the hundreds of girls who came to hear him live, joining
him in Ce che ti piace.
Loads of time for dance music too, with a wild performance from Bubbles with
Watchwimbo, talent and energy from the young Palermitan, Beatrice
(Clutch) and the world famous Sicilian group, Ti.Pi.Cal
introducing the official voice of Kimara Lawson. They all put on a fabulous show,
encouraged by the energy of the wonderful Palermitan crowds, and all wanting to perform
well in front of such a great audience. A big mention has to go to Radio Dimensione Suono
which, as always, followed the whole event closely, giving great coverage of all the
shows. And on the last night, with the stage lights beginning to fade and night falling,
the whole sky lit up with fireworks adding a party touch and closing this years
Festival with a bang. Who knows what Albarias got cooking for the next

Il punto di vista di alcuni spettatori dalla spiaggia
