Flavia Tartaglini -
Angilella - sotto Marco
Baglione - Foto Luca Bontempelli

Prospetto generale della
classifica provvisoria dopo
la terza giornata di regate
dei primi 10 classificati di
tutte le classi. Attualmente
in zona medaglia Alessandra

Skandia Sail for Gold 2012
Classifiche dei primi tre di ogni classe dopo la terza giornata
Windsurf -
RS:X Men after 6 races with 1 discard
1st FRA Julien BONTEMPS 15 points
2nd GBR Nick DEMPSEY 22 points
3rd NED Dorian Van Rijsselberge 23points
33. ITA Marcantonio Baglione (Albaria Palermo)
43. ITA Federico Esposito (G.S. Polizia di Stato)
Windsurf -
RS:X Women after 6 races with 1 discard
1st POL Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA 6 points
2nd ESP Marina ALABAU 19 points
3rd ISR Lee Korzits 27 points
4. ITA. Alessandra Sensini (Aniene Roma)
14. ITA Flavia Tartaglini (SV Fiamme Gialle)
Laser after 6 races with 1 discard
1st AUS Tom Burton 10 points
2nd GER Philipp Buhl 18 points
3rd Rasmus Myrgren- 19 points
41. ITA Marco Gallo (SV Fiamme Gialle)
50. ITA Alessio Spadoni
56. ITA Michele Regolo (SV Fiamme Gialle)
Laser Radial after 6 races with 1 discard
1st CHN Lijia Xu 15 points
2nd NED Marit Bouwmeester 15 points
3rd BEL Evi Van Acker 16 points
31. ITA Francesca Clapcich (SV Aeronautica Militare)
470 men after 6 races with 1 discard
1st NZL Paul Snow-Hansen, Jason Saunders 8points
2nd AUS Mathew BELCHER, Malcolm PAGE 8 points
3rd GBR Luke Patience, Stuart Bithell 12 points
20. ITA Gabrio Zandonΰ (CV Marina Militare) Pietro Zucchetti (SV Fiamme
32. ITA
470 women after 6 races with 1 discard
1st FRA Camille LECOINTRE, Mathilde GERON 19 points
2nd NZL Jo Aleh, Olivia Polly Powrie, 24 points
3rd GBR Hannah Mills, Saskia Clark, 27 points
9. ITA Giulia Conti e Giovanna Micol (CC Aniene)
Finn after 6 races with 1 discard
1st GBR Giles Scott - 6 points
2nd GBR Ben Ainslie - 14 points
3rd USA Zach Railey - 4 points
21: ITA Filippo Baldassari (SV Fiamme Gialle)
Star after 6 races with 1 discard
1 GBR Iain Percy, Andrew Simpson 14 points
2 BRA Robert Scheidt, Bruno Prada 15 points
3 IRL Peter OLeary and David Burrows 17 points
Nessun Italiano
49er after 8 races (1 discard)
1st AUS Nathan Outteridge, Iain Jensen 22 points
2nd FRA Emmanuel Dyen, Stephane Christidis 28 points
3rd GBR Dave EVANS, Ed POWYS 30 points
14. ITA Giuseppe Angilella (CC Roggero di Lauria) e Gianfranco Sibello (SV
Fiamme Gialle)
Match Racing Round Robin 1
Lucy, Macgregor, Annie Lush, Kate Macgregor GBR 10 wins 2 losses
Claire Leroy, Elodie Bertrand, Marie Riou FRA 9 wins 3 losses
Olivia Price, Nina Curtis, Lucinda Whitty USA 9 wins 3 losses
Classi Paraolimpiche
Sonar after 6 races with 1 discard
1st GBR John Robertson, Hannah Stodel, Steve Thomas 14 points
2nd NED Udo HESSELS, Mischa ROSSEN, Marcel VAN DE VEEN 16 points
3rd CAN Bruce Miller, Logan Campbell, Scott Lutes 23 points
13. ITA Massimo Dighe (GS Fiamme Azzurre)
Skud after 6 races with 1 discard
1st GBR Alexandra RICKHAM, Niki BIRRELL 5 points
2nd CAN John MCROBERTS, Stacie LOUTTIT 14 points
3rd Daniel Fitzgibbon, Liesl TESCH 13 points
2.4m after 6 races with 1 discard
1st NED Thierry SCHMITTER 15 points
3rd GBR Helena Lucas 15 points
3rd FRA
16. ITA Cristiano DAgaro (CV Alto Adriatico)
nterviste agli
atleti azzurri su