ORO alle Olimpiadi di SYDNEY
Medaglia di BRONZO ad ATLANTA
Con Alessandra Sensini

Albaria Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica

Viale Regina Elena, 83/A - Palermo VALDESI

Tel. ++39 91 6844483 - 453595 – fax 6843785

E-mail albaria@albaria.com


www.wwfestival.com - www.windsurfworldfestival.com



We regret to inform that the events of the Festival, already rescheduled, for the month of October 2012, are now CANCELLED due to severe difficulties in guaranteeing the free use of the beach.
For the following reasons.

Press Release of June 22, 2012
To oppose the organization's public event, is yet another paradox argued by the legal team of the private company “Mondello Immobiliare Italo Belga” which operates on the entire Beach of Mondello.
The Albaria regret to inform that, due to a pending litigation filed by “Mondello Immobiliare Italo Belga” against the Sicilian Region, which is contesting the legality of the authorizations given, to use the usual portion of the beach of Mondello, is obliged to change the schedule of events.
Therefore the scheduled program in October is cancelled, while next edition, programmed for May 2013, has been suspended, awaiting for the decision of Sicily TAR (Regional Administrative Court) to which the private society “Mondello Immobiliare Italo Belga” turned, asking to cancel the authorization for the event already finished, last May. Moreover, the abovementioned private company has also asked a damage of more than 500.000 Euros for failing to use only 100 meters of beach for six day during the Festival.
The time involved, puts on stand-by all the decisions concerning the required authorizations to use the public areas of Mondello. We hope that the Regional Authority will not accept the request and will clarify the paradox as presented by the legal team of the company managed by Mr. Gianni Castellucci.
At the last 27th edition of the World Festival On The Beach, considered a an event of public interest for the city of Palermo, the use of the usual area of the beach was partially prevented. Even when the organizers received an favorable emergency order against the Company issued by the Court of Palermo on May 16, 2012, ordering to “Mondello Immobiliare Italo Belga to "remove any and all property, old and new, from the area called “Area 1 ", of about s.m.q. 1,445, of its competence; to remove wooden fence on the sidewalk in front of Piazza Valdesi and Regina Elena Street ship of state areas" and " to take any and all necessary arrangements, inside that area of its competence, to permit the organization of the event called World Festival On The Beach ".
Declaration of Mr. Vincenzo Pottino, President of Albaria: "Without prejudice to the rights of each parties, to be duly protected, both real or alleged, we believe that this time they really crossed the line. We were forced to rely our reasons, but we believe that no payment of an amount can ever compensate the loss, of what was planned; and at this stage is no longer possible to organize the event due to the obstacles put in place by Mondello Immobiliare Italo Belga .
We just have to resist before the Administrative Court for Sicilian Region, which we hope will act with determination, and if the Mondello Immobiliare Italo Belga should be pay the enormous damage caused, the Albaria donate all to charity. We will do so to assert our rights, but we can not reiterate that, far from the halls of justice, a sense of disbelief for this disproportionate action in the substance and in the form."

Link utili  Notizie Correlate:

In questa foto a sinistra la porzione di soli 100 metri di spiaggia che la italo belga avrebbe dovuto liberare in base alle autorizzazioni dell'Arta Sicilia ma si č rifiutata nonostante le disposizioni del Tribunale di Palermo che ha emesso un apposito provvedimento d'urgenza. Nella foto successiva quelle durante una versione integrale del World Festival On The Beach con la rotonda di Piazza, strade e sopratutto la spiaggia resa fruibile per tutti senza accessi ed ingressi nel rispetto della vocazione del luogo.